This is a sneak peek at how I periodize Martial Arts training. Premise: I'm not a Strength and Conditioning coach, but I've learned why and how to use periodization from Don Heatrick. He is a qualified professional S&C coach with a unique approach, being a former mechanical engineer. I've researched other qualified professionals but in my opinion, he's far ahead of the competition regarding communication, organization, experience, and more. So my Martial Arts training periodization ideally goes together with his S&C programs which I HIGHLY recommend. Now, onto the main topic.
I divide martial arts training into 4 phases and in each we work predominantly on one aspect of combat.
To organize the training sessions, I've divided training exercises into macro-groups, each divided into micro-groups with a precise goal to help with selection. To make the training sessions harder or easier some variables can be targeted.
Each training exercise can be paired with tools depending on availability. For some exercises specific tools and/or a training partner, are mandatory.
Weekly training is divided into high, low, and rest days to go together with S&C training.
Approaching Martial Arts training scientifically is a must, there are just too many advantages. If you want to learn more check out my online course.